
InvestorForce, eVestment Expand Data Partnership

InvestorForce Inc. and eVestment Alliance, two web-based investment information providers for institutional consultants and investment managers, announced Monday that they are expanding their partnership formed in 2010 to include global data.

The data partnership of InvestorForce, based in Wayne, Pa., and eVestment, based in Atlanta, initially incorporated eVestment’s U.S. manager data into InvestorForce’s reporting platform. It has been expanded to include eVestment’s manager data for Canada, the U.K., Europe, Japan, Asia-Pacific and Australia as well as emerging markets and other global regions.

The partnership provides consulting clients of both firms with seamless access to plan information and manager data needed to power investment reports that consultants provide to their institutional investor clients.

InvestorForce’s consultant client base has grown more than 50% in the past 12 months, and four of the five largest global consultants now use its platform, according to the firms’ news release. InvestorForce has over 3,000 plans representing more than $4 trillion of assets flowing through its platform.

“Our goal is to support our clients’ increasing need for global reporting solutions,” said Jim Morrissey, CEO of InvestorForce, in a statement. “Our joint consulting clients continue to support further integration of data between our organizations that can be leveraged across research and reporting, and the obvious next step was to deliver eA’s manager universes across Canada and abroad.”

EVestment’s eASE Global Database houses information on approximately 2,500 asset managers worldwide, representing more than 17,000 investment strategies.

“We are excited by the expanding relationship with InvestorForce and the value both firms can bring to our joint consultant clients,” said Heath Wilson, co-founder and chief marketing officer of Atlanta-based eVestment, in the statement. “We’re confident that as our relationship continues to grow and deepen, our mutual clients will benefit.”

Read about Morningstar’s acquisition of an InvestorForce alternative-investment database at AdvisorOne.com.

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