
Silver Lining Behind the Facebook Phone Flop

Although the HTC First, which is the first phone to have the Facebook (NASDAQ: FB  ) Home platform preloaded, doesn't look like it's been a success, investors should still be able to find a silver lining in this failure. First, this was a small bet Facebook made, and it's not likely to ultimately cost the company a ton of money. But more importantly, this experience gives Mark Zuckerberg and his team a great learning opportunity. Facebook's management can take some of the lessons they will hopefully have learned and apply them to moving the company forward.

For more details, check out the following video.

After the world's most-hyped IPO turned out to be a dud, many investors don't even want to think about shares of Facebook. But there are things every investor needs to know about this revolutionary company. The Motley Fool's newest premium research report shows that there's a lot more to Facebook than meets the eye. Read up on whether there is anything to "like" about it today to determine if Facebook deserves a place in your portfolio. Access your report by clicking here.

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