A decade has passed since I first met�our Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald�– and from that first day, the big-payoff investing ideas have just kept rolling in.
So I invited Keith to share his best ideas – and best strategies – for the last six months of 2018. It's going to be a challenging stretch – with unforeseen "wild cards" roiling already-turbulent waters.
He shared some incredible stock recommendations. He also offered one of the simplest – but most profound – bits of advice about surviving and thriving in the second half of this year. In fact, I'll share it before we get started:
"Right, now, BP, with all the wild cards, with all the uncertainty, with all the worries folks have – I still don't see this as a time to cut and run," said Keith.
He went on, "To me, the stock market at this time is about playing to strengths – and�not�bowing down to weaknesses. It's about being tactically opportunistic – and�not�'hunkering down.' I say all this for one very good reason: Threats and opportunities are just different sides of the same coin. It's all about how you look at things."
That's a "winner's way" of looking at things, as evidenced by the long list of double- and triple-digit winning stocks he's researched and recommended for his Money Map Report and High Velocity Profits subscribers in the first half of 2018.
Here's how he plans to build on that success in the months ahead…
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About the Author
Browse William's articles | View William's research servicesBefore he moved into the investment-research business in 2005, William (Bill) Patalon III spent 22 years as an award-winning financial reporter, columnist, and editor. Today he is the Executive Editor and Senior Research Analyst for Money Morning. With his latest project, Private Briefing, Bill takes you "behind the scenes" of his established investment news website for a closer look at the action. Members get all the expert analysis and exclusive scoops he can't publish... and some of the most valuable picks that turn up in Bill's closed-door sessions with editors and experts.
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