
The Ten Biggest Lies of B-School

I went to B-School about 10 years ago.  I remember the good times, the parties, the camaraderie.  I also remember the long hours in the library, working on team projects with other keen classmates, and the sense of accomplishment at graduation.

However, 10 years later, Business School missed out on a lot in terms of teaching me the skills needed to succeed in my career and life.

Here are the ten biggest lies of B-School you should protect yourself against:

1. You will be rich. My experience (and from talking to others) is that it will take you 2 or 3 times as long as you think it will take to succeed after Business School.  So take it easy running up your student loans and credit card debts expecting you�re going to be a rock star later.

2. You are smarter than people without an MBA. You were smart enough to get in to Business School.  That doesn�t mean you are smarter than other people without an MBA.  Stay humble.

3. There�s always a right answer. B-School students are usually very analytical and achievement-oriented. They like to think there�s always a �best� answer. There�s not.  The perfect answer is always the enemy of the good enough one.  You make decisions you can with the best information available.  Life and business today doesn�t let you count how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.

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