
Man Charged $84K for $30 Tank of Gas

Nashville man Ray Crockett pumped $30 dollars of gas into his car’s tank, paid for it with his Citibank (NYSE:C) debit card and later discovered his account was more than $84,000 overdrawn.

This details of this story, which was first reported by Nashville’s News Channel 5, read like a script for an Ashton Kutcher movie.

Here’s the rundown.

  • Crockett’s receipt shows that he paid $30 for the gas.
  • His bank statement claims he paid $84,522.54.
  • The gas station says it never received the money.
  • Citibank then locked Crockett out of his account and told him that it was his responsibility to get the gas station to pay the bank $84,000+.
  • The gas station kindly gave Crockett a $100 gift card to help him get by while he was denied access to his money.
  • Days later, Crockett still was not able to access his account and Citi basically said “tough luck.”

At this time, the situation appears to remain unresolved. However, thanks to the involvement of the local news station, a Citibank spokesperson said that the bank is investigating the matter and is working on a resolution.

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